So, I got the exhaust on and had rebuilt the carb 2 plus times. With the correct needles and seats, it ran amazingly well! Go figure. Drove it to work one day and it did pretty good. Maybe needed a little tweak to the carb, but ran without issues, there and back home. A couple …
It’s started with an innocent little squeak. At idle, I could hear a short chirp…chirp…chirp as the engine rotated. Sticking my head under the hood, I focused on the distributor. The timing of the noise made sense. A quick internet search yielding a common issue of a possible bent shaft on the distro. Seems simple …
Ike Growing up, my dad always had a collection of Cherokees and Comanches, so I have always had a soft spot for them. I started keeping an eye out for one in decent shape, as one does. After looking at several, I found one that was in good shape. Was it perfect? No. I mean, …