The Deuce Being fed up with the transmission rebuild, or lack there of, I decided to put the 76 transmission and transfer case into the Deuce. Thanks Humpty! Not that it’s a great transmission, but it should allow me to drive it around so I can find more shit to fix. First thing was to …
The Deuce & Humpty Dumpty So, I stand over two sets of transmissions and transfer cases, one each from the Deuce and Humpty Dumpty, the donor jeep. From the 10 foot view, they look identical. Both T18 4 speed transmissions mated to a Dana 20 transfer case. Yeah, as if I am that lucky. Checking …
Humpty Dumpty I had begun taking Humpty Dumpty apart shortly after dragging it home. My first concern was to pull the interior and trash the nasty carpet. The seats came out fairly easy. In order to remove a couple bolts, I realized that it would be easier if the exhaust was out of the way, …
Homer and CB Covid 19 had descended on the economy, meaning no one was traveling. Since the wife and I run a store that is dependant on people traveling, work slowed to a trickle. We decided to shut the store down as standing around in a mask a day for 2 or 3 customers just …
Introducing CB & HD One day in early March, I was trolling around the internet just keeping an eye out of local jeep parts for sale. It is something to do while waiting for customers to show up at work. I ran across an ad that sounded eerily familiar. It claimed to be a 71 …